Chemical Spraying in front of my eyes








Well like many days my eyes are usually looking at the sky.  I’m always looking for chemical trailing above my house.  Well today I seen it again first hand but I decided to take a few pictures with my crappy phone camera.

I sat down and over a 5 to 8 minute period I took these pictures.  I already seen two chem-trails side by side and since it was somewhat clear out today, I could easily see the planes flying towards the placed trails.  I knew that this one plane was going to switch on the sprayers so I took a few pictures before hand to show people a before and after.

Here are a few pictures before they switched on the sprayers.





Ok this 5th picture below is when the plane starts the spraying.


This 6th picture below you can see the trail in between the already placed chem-trails to start to get longer.


And now the 7th.  It gets longer.


And now the 8th picture below.


And now the 9th below.


This is the final 10th picture below.  The trail has just been completed in the 9th picture but now it is spreading out and dispersing.  Chem-trails always start out very thin but grow very large.


And this goes on everyday.  I still don’t understand why people never notice these lines in the sky.  Older people than me who can compare to their childhood, should know that clouds do not form straight lines.  A lot of people I talk to just call me crazy and say that these lines are just condensation from the jets.  That’s what a majority of people say to me.   If that was true than why wouldn’t my exhaling breath on a cold day stay in the air for hours?

The truth is people just don’t pay attention to things anymore.  They are so focused on their everyday life that no one seems to have time to reflect.  I can’t blame them to much because you have to work your butt off to make it.  But this type of life style in the end is not good.  If people keep neglecting other things in life, evil will step in and take advantage of it.  People need to Wake Up because evil is poisoning us in our food, water and even our air we breath with toxic cancer causing chemicals.  All I ask is that you take your eyes off that smartphone once a while and notice what is happening around you.  Because everyone that is important to you is in great danger.