Google hears all you say. 100% all the time.

I have always told people that everything you do that is connected to the internet is being recorded.  Everything you say and type is recorded by government agencies and the National Security Agency.  But how about we just look at Google for a moment.  Google owns 95% of the internet, most of the major internet companies, the physical switches, the Domain Name Server companies, and they paid big bucks to have their search engine on all of your smart phones.  Don’t believe me?  Pick up your phone and look what your phone uses for a search engine when you type or record your voice for text messages.

Everyone’s phone is a highly advanced tracking device that is a super computer.  It tracks your exact location to the foot and your altitude to the centimeter.  No joke.  It records everything you say, what you type, what emails you send, what pictures you send, it uses your phones video camera to send live video to the NSA.  And more!  It is a trendy device that is a hidden in plan site to be a extremely advanced tracking device.

Here is a very simple example of a computers microphone listening ALWAYS to what this man is talking about.   Your phone has a microphone too.

Please share this video.  It’s a great example to wake up your family and friends.


Chemical Spraying in front of my eyes








Well like many days my eyes are usually looking at the sky.  I’m always looking for chemical trailing above my house.  Well today I seen it again first hand but I decided to take a few pictures with my crappy phone camera.

I sat down and over a 5 to 8 minute period I took these pictures.  I already seen two chem-trails side by side and since it was somewhat clear out today, I could easily see the planes flying towards the placed trails.  I knew that this one plane was going to switch on the sprayers so I took a few pictures before hand to show people a before and after.

Here are a few pictures before they switched on the sprayers.





Ok this 5th picture below is when the plane starts the spraying.


This 6th picture below you can see the trail in between the already placed chem-trails to start to get longer.


And now the 7th.  It gets longer.


And now the 8th picture below.


And now the 9th below.


This is the final 10th picture below.  The trail has just been completed in the 9th picture but now it is spreading out and dispersing.  Chem-trails always start out very thin but grow very large.


And this goes on everyday.  I still don’t understand why people never notice these lines in the sky.  Older people than me who can compare to their childhood, should know that clouds do not form straight lines.  A lot of people I talk to just call me crazy and say that these lines are just condensation from the jets.  That’s what a majority of people say to me.   If that was true than why wouldn’t my exhaling breath on a cold day stay in the air for hours?

The truth is people just don’t pay attention to things anymore.  They are so focused on their everyday life that no one seems to have time to reflect.  I can’t blame them to much because you have to work your butt off to make it.  But this type of life style in the end is not good.  If people keep neglecting other things in life, evil will step in and take advantage of it.  People need to Wake Up because evil is poisoning us in our food, water and even our air we breath with toxic cancer causing chemicals.  All I ask is that you take your eyes off that smartphone once a while and notice what is happening around you.  Because everyone that is important to you is in great danger.

The word “Safe”


Over the years I have noticed that the word “Safe” is being programmed into our minds.  I believe it officially started on December 19th, 2001.  Wow so close to 9/11/01.  Why that date?  Well Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring was released that day.  The word appears a few times in the movie but the most prominent line was “Is it secret? Is it safe?”  Giving a slight emphases on “Safe”.

At the time of course I didn’t notice anything special about this film.  But over the years any new movie release or television show after 12/19/2001 always had a strong emphases on the word.  Sometimes a little and sometimes it would be carried out for just a split second more.

And it’s just not all movies.  It is on television shows.  Now I don’t watch a lot of t.v. but it has to be on there a lot.  Because the little bit I do watch, I am noticing it left and right.  Now you might say, “Hey your just focusing on a particular word and therefore you notice it.”  Yes, that could be true.  I guess if I just waited long enough I would pick that up on any word.  But it would not be emphasized like the word “safe” is being.  So hence there is difference.

If you know anything about mind control and methods of persuasion you know when to spot when someone is trying to program you.  Take for instance advertising.  Did you ever wonder why when you listen to a radio commercial they always repeat the website, product and the phone number so many times?  That’s because after a certain number of repeats your brain normally accepts it subconsciously.  The ad companies know this and it’s one of the first things they teach you in college for marketing.  Subliminal Programming is what I am talking about.

But why the word “safe”?  Why put it on television shows, movies, commercials, magazines, radio shows?  I believe it is to program the public into either:

  • Feeling totally safe at all times.
  • Getting people to feel safe from a forced level of protection.
  • Or question if they will ever be.

After pondering this for some time, I truly believe it is to induce a state of feeling safe in people’s everyday lives.  Which can only be sustained by a ever increasing protection that is slowly pressed on them.  And after the public excepts this entangling safety net, a huge crisis will be fabricated or let loose.  Which then suddenly destroys the feeling or gets taken away.

Then fear is what the public will have.  Fear is a weapon and is contagious.  It will spread and destroy society.  And that is the end goal.


Here are just a few examples that I found:

Finding Nemo – Released May 30th 2003.

Marlin: Now, what’s the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?

Nemo: It’s not safe.

Marlin: That’s my boy.


Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith – Released May 15th, 2005

The Emperor: [to the Senate] In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society which I assure you will last for ten thousand years.

[Senate fills with enormous applause]

Padmé: [to Bail Organa] So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.


Paul Blart: Mall Cop – Released January 16th, 2009

[from trailer]

Paul Blart: Safety never takes a holiday.

[First Line]

Drill Instructor: Alright you have all completed the written exam, however, you must now pass the obsticle coarse to be admitted into the training program. And remember: Survive this and you are on front lines of keeping New Jersey safe.


Avatar – Released December 18th, 2009

Dr. Grace Augustine: Is the avatar safe?

Jake Sully: Yeah, Doc, it’s safe, and you are not gonna believe where I am!


The Dark Knight – Released July 18th, 2008

[Lau announces that he’s removed all the mob’s cash from their banks before the police raid, and stashed them in a secure location]

Lau: For obvious reasons, I couldn’t wait for your permission. Rest assured, your money is safe.

[From outside comes the sound of loud, fake laughter. The mob bosses turn and see the Joker enter]

The Joker: And I thought my jokes were bad.


The Punisher: War Zone – Released December 5th, 2008

[He pushes the bag at his feet toward her]

Angela Donatelli: What’s this?

Frank Castle: Something to help out.

Angela Donatelli: No. No, you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to shoot my husband in cold blood and then stop at the ATM.

Grace: It’s for your daughter.

Angela Donatelli: [takes aim at his chest] This is what you deserve. What you did to Nick! Who punishes *you*?

Frank Castle: He taught you how to shoot. A good agent keeps his family safe, they can’t always be here. Took you out to the range, showed you what to do.

[he takes the gun and presses the muzzle to his chest]

Frank Castle: This is what you do. Squeeze, don’t pull.

Grace: [from inside] I can’t find my red pen. Mom, I need it.

[Long, tense silence. Angela backs off and lowers the gun]

Angela Donatelli: Take it.

[she goes inside whilst he takes the money and leaves]



Last thought…I noticed a dramatic stop in the programming of the word “safe” since the Boston Bombing.  Which took place on April 15, 2013.  So does that mean that fear is starting to set in?  Maybe this example says it.

Introduction to the Truth

Welcome to the new site I just put up on April 20th 2013!  I am currently teaching myself on how to use WordPress.  It is not my first website by far but there is always a learning curve.

We will be going over topics that are current and ones that need yelled throughout the streets in order to wake people up.  Will people listen?  Maybe now since so many things are coming to pass such as deadly diseases, political turmoil, natural disasters, government outreach into people’s personal lives and the growing police state.

What topics will be discussed here?  Hundreds.

Here’s a few:

  • Poisons in the food supply
  • False Flag
  • Fluoride in the water supply
  • Obama Care
  • Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment
  • Police State
  • F.E.M.A and Residential Centers
  • Drugs and chemicals in the food
  • Staged Terror Events
  • Unplugging yourself from materialism
  • Social Media and how it effects people
  • Lowering I.Q.’s world wide
  • Lies that governments shovel to the public
  • Who founded the United States
  • Terrorism: An unbeatable enemy
  • The Globalists and Elites
  • The New World Order
  • Chemical Trails and Global Engineering
  • Torture camps all over the world
  • Indefinite Detention Camps

So many topics to discuss, which need to be talked about.